Authenticated API reference


The SEO4Ajax authenticated API is organized around REST. It is designed to have predictable, resource-oriented URLs and to use HTTP response codes to indicate API errors. It uses built-in HTTP features, HTTP verbs and HTTP response codes to indicate API errors. JSON will be returned in all responses from the API, excluding errors.

API endpoint


You authenticate to the SEO4Ajax API by providing your secret API key in the request. You can find your API key in your account settings. Your API key carry many privileges, so be sure to keep it secret! Authentication to the API occurs via the HTTP header X-Api-Key. You must authenticate for all requests and provide your API key as the value of this header. All API requests must be made over HTTPS, calls made over plain HTTP will fail.

Example request

curl -H "x-api-key: AK_5a299b4021e9383cc31a3172d73ac2f1" \


The SEO4Ajax API uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate success or failure of an API request. In general, codes in the 2xx range indicate success, codes in the 4xx range indicate an error that resulted from the provided information (e.g. a required parameter was missing), and codes in the 5xx range indicate an error with SEO4Ajax's servers. The content of the body returned with an error contains a more detailed message about the error.

HTTP Status Code Summary

200 - OK
Everything worked as expected.
400 - Bad Request
Often missing a required parameter or providing an invalid parameter.
401 - Unauthorized
No valid API key provided.
404 - Not Found
The requested resource doesn't exist.
500, 502, 503, 504 - Server Errors
Something went wrong on SEO4Ajax's end.


Some SEO4Ajax API resources have support for bulk fetches. For instance you can list sites, captures, errors, pending captures and capture logs.

Page based

Except for listing capture logs, these list API methods share a common structure. SEO4Ajax utilizes a page number based pagination, using the parameter page.


limit optional, default to 10
A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100 items.
page optional, default to 1
The page number to be returned.

Example Request

curl -H "x-api-key: AK_5a299b4021e9383cc31a3172d73ac2f1" \

Cursor based

For listing capture logs, SEO4Ajax utilizes cursor-based pagination, using the parameter startAfter. Pass startAfter to dictate where in the list you would like to begin.


limit optional, default to 10
A limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100 items.
startAfter optional
A cursor for use in pagination. startAfter is a path that defines your place in the list. This parameter should be URL encoded. For instance, if you make a list request and receive 10 objects, ending with the path "/foo/bar", your subsequent call can include startAfter=%2Ffoo%2Fbar in order to fetch the next page of the list.

Example Request

curl -H "x-api-key: AK_5a299b4021e9383cc31a3172d73ac2f1" \

List response format

An array containing the actual response elements.

Example Response

    "path": "/All/topfreeipadapplications/15",
    "date": "2015-09-01T20:07:09.827Z",
    "referer": "/All/topfreeipadapplications",
    "requestDate": "2015-08-29T07:11:00.643Z",
    "userAgent": "Majestic SEO"
    "path": "/All/topfreeipadapplications/16",
    "date": "2015-09-01T20:07:08.793Z",
    "referer": "/All/topfreeipadapplications",
    "requestDate": "2015-08-29T07:11:01.969Z",
    "userAgent": "Majestic SEO"
    "path": "/All/topfreeipadapplications/17",
    "date": "2015-09-01T20:07:08.780Z",
    "referer": "/All/topfreeipadapplications",
    "requestDate": "2015-08-29T07:12:04.963Z",
    "userAgent": "Majestic SEO"
    "path": "/All/topfreeipadapplications/18",
    "date": "2015-09-01T20:07:07.862Z",
    "referer": "/All/topfreeipadapplications",
    "requestDate": "2015-08-29T07:11:05.041Z",
    "userAgent": "Majestic SEO"
    "path": "/All/topfreeipadapplications/19",
    "date": "2015-09-01T20:07:04.525Z",
    "referer": "/All/topfreeipadapplications",
    "requestDate": "2015-08-29T07:11:06.401Z",
    "userAgent": "Majestic SEO"


Site object


name string
The name you gave to the site at its creation.
site-token string
The unique ID identifying the site on SEO4Ajax.
url string
The fully qualified URL of the site.

List all sites




Returns a list of sites you've previously registered in SEO4Ajax. The sites are returned in alphabetical order on their name.

Example request

curl -H "x-api-key: AK_5a299b4021e9383cc31a3172d73ac2f1" \

Example response

    "name": "Dev",
    "token": "f4380546989f8852deea8d54edfe9199",
    "url": ""
    "name": "Production",
    "token": "1543f22a3065164f3ad932bf2defa231",
    "url": ""
    "name": "Staging",
    "token": "e976d4da808f533e46353bb240405459",
    "url": ""

Site settings

Settings object


name string
The name you gave to the site at its creation.
site-token string
The unique ID identifying the site on SEO4Ajax.
url string
The fully qualified URL of the site.
entryPoints list of strings
The list of paths used as entry points to crawl the website.
ignoredPaths list of strings
The list of patterns matching paths which should not be crawled.
rewriteRules list of rewrite rules
The list of rewrite rules applied when a bot requests a URL or when the SEO4Ajax find new pages to be crawled in a capture.
jsRedirectEnabled boolean
The boolean specifying whether the JavaScript redirections are taken into account or not.
jsRedirectCode optional
The redirect code associated to JavaScript redirections.
emulateMobileDevice boolean
The boolean specifying whether the crawler emulates a mobile device when capturing a page or not.
filteredResourcePaths list of strings
The list of patterns matching URL resources which are blocked by the crawler when capturing a page.
captureExpiredPages boolean
The boolean specifying whether a page must be automatically recaptured or not when expired.
captureNewPages boolean
The boolean specifying whether a page must be automatically captured or not when it was never captured before.
processLinks boolean
The boolean specifying whether the links present in a page must be automatically captured or not.
userAgent string
The user-agent used by the SEO4Ajax crawler when capturing pages.
blockingCaptureUserAgents list of strings
The list of patterns matching user-agents allowed to wait for on-the-fly capture.
blockingCaptureMaxDelay number
The maximum delay, in seconds, allowed to wait for on-the-fly capture.
requestTimeout number
The maximum delay, in seconds, allowed to fetch any resources when capturing a page.
JSTimeout number
The delay, in seconds, to wait before capturing the page once they are no more pending requests.
mailQuota boolean
The boolean specifying whether an alert email is sent when the number of captures reach a certain quota.
maxQuota number
The percentage of captures with respect to the maximum captures allowed in the subscribed plan. Once this percentage is exceeded, the alert email is sent.
mailErrors boolean
The boolean specifying whether an alert email is sent when the number of capture errors reach a certain quota.
maxErrors number
The percentage of captured pages in error with respect to the total number of captured pages. Once this percentage is exceeded, the alert email is sent.
mailOffline boolean
The boolean specifying whether an alert email is sent when the SEO4Ajax probe detects that the site is not connected anymore to SEO4Ajax.
requestHeaders list of strings
The list of HTTP headers to add on every resource request when capturing a page.
language string
The language code to be used by the browser when capturing a page, as specified in the RFC 4646.
defaultExpirationPeriod number
The default expiration period of the captures, in days.
expirationPeriods list of objects
The list of objects defining regular expressions matching paths and their corresponding expiration period.
sitemaps list of strings
The list of fully qualified sitemap URLs to be crawled.
updateFBCache boolean
The boolean specifying whether a Facebook cache update is triggered when a page is captured.

Retrieve the settings of a site




site-token required
The token of the website


The site settings if a valid token was provided, and an error otherwise.

Example request

curl -H "x-api-key: AK_5a299b4021e9383cc31a3172d73ac2f1" \

Example response

  "url": "",
  "token": "1543f22a3065164f3ad932bf2defa231",
  "name": "Production",
  "entryPoints": ["/", "/some-examples"],
  "ignoredPaths": [],
  "rewriteRules": ["^/should_be_301_redirected/(.*)$ /$1 [R=301]", "^/should_be_a_404 [R=404]"],
  "jsRedirectEnabled": false,
  "jsRedirectCode": 302,
  "emulateMobileDevice": false,
  "filteredResourcePaths": ["", ""],
  "captureExpiredPages": true,
  "captureNewPages": true,
  "processLinks": true,
  "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit (compatible; s4a/1.0; +",
  "blockingCaptureUserAgents": ["facebookexternalhit/1.1"],
  "blockingCaptureMaxDelay": 25,
  "requestTimeout": 10,
  "JSTimeout": 3,
  "mailQuota": true,
  "maxQuota": 80,
  "mailErrors": true,
  "maxErrors": 15,
  "mailOffline": true,
  "requestHeaders": [],
  "language": "en",
  "defaultExpirationPeriod": 7,
  "expirationPeriods": [{
    "pattern": "^/change_frequently/.*",
    "period": 1
  }, {
    "pattern": "^/change_rarely/.*",
    "period": 30
  "sitemaps": [""],
  "updateFBCache": false

Update the settings of a site




site-token required
The token of the website.


A JSON object containing the following keys. When a key is not set, the corresponding value is not reset.

name optional
The name of the website.
entryPoints optional
The list of paths used as entry points to crawl the website. The provided list replaces the current one.
ignoredPaths optional
The list of patterns matching paths which should not be crawled. The provided list replaces the current one.
rewriteRules optional
The list of rewrite rules applied when a bot requests a URL or when the SEO4Ajax find new pages to be crawled in a capture. The provided list replaces the current one.
jsRedirectEnabled optional
The boolean specifying whether the JavaScript redirections are taken into account or not.
jsRedirectCode optional
The redirect code associated to JavaScript redirections.
emulateMobileDevice optional
The boolean specifying whether the crawler emulates a mobile device when capturing a page or not.
filteredResourcePaths optional
The list of patterns matching URL resources which are blocked by the crawler when capturing a page. The provided list replaces the current one.
captureExpiredPages optional
The boolean specifying whether a page must be automatically recaptured or not when expired.
captureNewPages optional
The boolean specifying whether a page must be automatically captured or not when it was never captured before.
processLinks optional
The boolean specifying whether the links present in a page must be automatically captured or not.
userAgent optional
The user-agent used by the SEO4Ajax crawler when capturing pages.
blockingCaptureUserAgents optional
The list of patterns matching user-agents allowed to wait for on-the-fly capture. The provided list replaces the current one.
blockingCaptureMaxDelay optional
The maximum delay, in seconds, allowed to wait for on-the-fly capture.
requestTimeout optional
The maximum delay, in seconds, allowed to fetch any resources when capturing a page.
JSTimeout optional
The delay, in seconds, to wait before capturing the page once they are no more pending requests.
mailQuota optional
The boolean specifying whether an alert email is sent when the number of captures reach a certain quota.
maxQuota optional
The percentage of captures with respect to the maximum captures allowed in the subscribed plan. Once this percentage is exceeded, the alert email is sent.
mailErrors optional
The boolean specifying whether an alert email is sent when the number of capture errors reach a certain quota.
maxErrors optional
The percentage of captured pages in error with respect to the total number of captured pages. Once this percentage is exceeded, the alert email is sent.
mailOffline optional
The boolean specifying whether an alert email is sent when the SEO4Ajax probe detects that the site is not connected anymore to SEO4Ajax.
requestHeaders optional
The list of HTTP headers to add on every resource request when capturing a page. The provided list replaces the current one.
language optional
The language code to be used by the browser when capturing a page, as specified in the RFC 4646.
defaultExpirationPeriod optional
The default expiration period of the captures, in days.
expirationPeriods optional
The list of objects defining regular expressions matching paths and their corresponding expiration period. The provided list replaces the current one.
sitemaps optional
The list of fully qualified of sitemap URLs to be crawled. The provided list replaces the current one.
updateFBCache optional
The boolean specifying whether a Facebook cache update is triggered when a page is captured.

Example request

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -H "x-api-key: AK_5a299b4021e9383cc31a3172d73ac2f1" \
     -X POST \
     -d '{"entryPoints": ["/", "/another_entry_point"], "JSTimeout": 1, "captureExpiredPages": false, "userAgent": "A new user agent to use"}' \

Site captures

Capture object


path string
The path of the capture.
date ISO 8601 formated date
The date at which the page was captured.
userAgent string
The name of the last bot which requested this capture.
requestDate ISO 8601 formated date
The date of the last request coming from a bot for this page.
referer string
The path of the page where a link to this path was found.
redirectCode number
The redirect code for this path when it returns a redirect instead of the capture.
redirectLocation string
The redirect location for this path when it returns a redirect instead of the capture.

List captures




site-token required
The token of the website.
limit optional default to 10
The limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100 items.
page optional default to 1
The page number to be retrieved.
orderBy optional default to "path"
The name of the field on which the results will be ordered. Could be "path" or "date".
from optional
The date from which capture objects will be returned.
to optional
The date to which capture objects will be returned.
desc optional default to false
The sort direction: ascending (default) or descending when true.


The array of capture objects.

Example request

curl -H "x-api-key: AK_5a299b4021e9383cc31a3172d73ac2f1" \

Example response

    "path": "/",
    "date": "2015-09-02T13:27:45.911Z",
    "referer": "/Utilities/toppaidapplications",
    "requestDate": "2015-09-02T14:58:40.783Z",
    "userAgent": "SEO4Ajax Probe"
    "path": "/All",
    "date": "2015-09-01T19:39:48.133Z",
    "referer": "/Utilities/topgrossingipadapplications",
    "requestDate": "2015-09-02T03:19:25.652Z",
    "userAgent": "Bing"
    "path": "/All/topfreeapplications",
    "date": "2015-09-01T19:47:23.452Z",
    "referer": "/All",
    "requestDate": "2015-08-30T07:11:25.491Z",
    "userAgent": "Google"
    "path": "/All/topfreeapplications/1",
    "date": "2015-09-01T19:47:21.156Z",
    "referer": "/All",
    "requestDate": "2015-08-31T03:16:25.474Z",
    "userAgent": "Majestic SEO"
    "path": "/All/topfreeapplications/10",
    "date": "2015-09-01T20:08:50.815Z",
    "referer": "/All/topfreeapplications",
    "requestDate": "2015-08-16T11:03:57.087Z",
    "userAgent": "AHref"

Delete captures




site-token required
The token of the website.


A JSON array of paths to delete. The number of paths in the array must be less than or equal to 100.

Example request

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -H "x-api-key: AK_5a299b4021e9383cc31a3172d73ac2f1" \
     -X DELETE \
     -d '["/to_delete", "/another/path_to_delete"]' \

Retrieve a capture




site-token required
The token of the website.
path required
The URL encoded path for which you want to retrieve the HTML content.

Example request

curl -H "x-api-key: AK_5a299b4021e9383cc31a3172d73ac2f1" \

Site errors

Error object


path string
The path of the error.
date ISO 8601 formated date
The date at which the page was captured.
userAgent string
The name of the last bot which requested this path.
requestDate ISO 8601 formated date
The date of the last request from a bot for this page.
referer string
The path of the page where a link to this path was found.
error string
The type of error.

List errors




site-token required
The token of the website.
limit optional, default to 10
The limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100 items.
page optional, default to 1
The page number to be retrieved.
orderBy optional, default to "path"
The name of the field on which the results will be ordered. Could be "path" or "date".
from optional
The date from which error objects will be returned.
to optional
The date to which error objects will be returned.
desc optional, default to false
The order on which the results will be returned.
errorType optional
The type of error which you want to list. By default, all types of error will be listed.


The array of error objects.

Example request

curl -H "x-api-key: AK_5a299b4021e9383cc31a3172d73ac2f1" \

Example response

    "path": "/404",
    "date": "2015-02-12T18:01:25.547Z",
    "referer": "/#!/404",
    "error": "HTTP (404)"
    "path": "/%7b%7binternalLink%7d%7d",
    "date": "2015-04-02T02:21:53.008Z",
    "error": "HTTP (404)",
    "userAgent": "Yandex",
    "requestDate": "2015-04-30T13:13:00.318Z"
    "path": "/admin/",
    "date": "2015-04-02T02:21:54.216Z",
    "error": "HTTP (403)",
    "userAgent": "Google",
    "requestDate": "2015-04-30T13:12:53.682Z"
    "path": "/error",
    "date": "2015-02-13T11:10:25.742Z",
    "error": "HTTP (500)",
    "userAgent": "AHref",
    "requestDate": "2015-02-13T11:10:24.455Z"
    "path": "/All/notFound",
    "date": "2015-07-27T13:18:58.542Z",
    "referer": "/All/",
    "error": "HTTP (404)",
    "userAgent": "Unknown",
    "requestDate": "2015-04-05T18:05:57.944Z"

Delete site errors




site-token required
The token of the website.


A JSON array of paths to delete. The number of paths in the array must be less than or equal to 100.

Example request

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -H "x-api-key: AK_5a299b4021e9383cc31a3172d73ac2f1" \
     -X DELETE \
     -d '["/to_delete", "/another/path_to_delete"]' \

Site pending captures

Pending capture object


path string
The path of the pending capture.
date ISO 8601 formated date
The date at which the capture was requested.
state string
The state of the pending capture.
priority number
The priority at which the path will be captured.
processLinks boolean
The boolean specifying whether the links present in the capture will be processed.
captureExpiredPages boolean
The boolean specifying whether the links corresponding to expired pages will be recaptured.
captureNewPages string
The boolean specifying whether the links corresponding to unknown pages will be recaptured.

List pending captures




site-token required
The token of the website.
limit optional default to 10
The limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100 items.
page optional default to 1
The page number to be retrieved.
orderBy optional default to "path"
The name of the field on which the results will be ordered. Could be "path", "date" or "priority".
from optional
The date from which pending capture objects will be returned.
to optional
The date to which pending capture objects will be returned.
priority optional
The value of the priority on which the results will be filtered.
desc optional default to false
The sort direction: ascending (default) or descending when true.
state optional
The state of the pending captures you want to list. By default, all states will be listed. Could be "pending" or "processing".


The array of pending capture objects.

Example request

curl -H "x-api-key: AK_5a299b4021e9383cc31a3172d73ac2f1" \

Example response

    "path": "/",
    "date": "2015-09-09T14:55:56.762Z",
    "priority": 2,
    "state": "pending",
    "processLinks": false,
    "captureExpiredPages": false,
    "captureNewPages": true
    "path": "/All",
    "date": "2015-09-09T14:55:56.762Z",
    "priority": 2,
    "state": "pending",
    "processLinks": false,
    "captureExpiredPages": false,
    "captureNewPages": true
    "path": "/All/topfreeipadapplications/21",
    "date": "2015-09-09T14:55:56.762Z",
    "priority": 2,
    "state": "pending",
    "processLinks": false,
    "captureExpiredPages": false,
    "captureNewPages": true
    "path": "/All/topfreeipadapplications/27",
    "date": "2015-09-09T14:55:56.762Z",
    "priority": 2,
    "state": "pending",
    "processLinks": false,
    "captureExpiredPages": false,
    "captureNewPages": true
    "path": "/Finance/topfreeipadapplications/20",
    "date": "2015-09-09T14:55:56.762Z",
    "priority": 2,
    "state": "pending",
    "processLinks": false,
    "captureExpiredPages": false,
    "captureNewPages": true

Delete site pending captures




site-token required
The token of the website.


A JSON array of paths to delete. The number of paths in the array must be less than or equal to 100.

Example request

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -H "x-api-key: AK_5a299b4021e9383cc31a3172d73ac2f1" \
     -X DELETE \
     -d '["/to_delete", "/another/path_to_delete"]' \

Add or update pending captures

Add or update a list of site pending captures




site-token required
The token of the website.


A JSON array of string paths to be added/updated or a JSON object containing the following keys.

paths required
The array of paths to be be added or updated (limited to 100 paths).
priority optional, default to 3
The priority at which the paths will be captured. If not set, this property will not be modified for updated paths.
processLinks optional, default to site settings value
The boolean specifying whether the links present in a page must be automatically captured or not. If not set, this property will not be modified for updated paths.
captureExpiredPages optional, default to site settings value
The boolean specifying whether the links present in a page must be automatically recaptured if the current captures are expired. If not set, this property will not be modified for updated paths.
captureNewPages optional, default to site settings value
The boolean specifying whether the links present in a page must be automatically captured when there were never captured before. If not set, this property will not be modified for updated paths.

Example request

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -H "x-api-key: AK_5a299b4021e9383cc31a3172d73ac2f1" \
     -X POST \
     -d '{"paths":["/a_path", "/another_path", "/a/path/with?query=string"], "priority": 2, "captureExpiredPages": false, "captureNewPages": false}' \

Capture logs

Capture log object


path string
The path of the capture which generated the logs.
date ISO 8601 formated date
The date at which the capture was done.

List capture logs




site-token required
The token of the website.
limit optional default to 10
The limit on the number of objects to be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100 items.
startAfter optional
The URL encoded path after which logs should be listed.


The array of capture log objects.

Example request

curl -H "x-api-key: AK_5a299b4021e9383cc31a3172d73ac2f1" \

Example response

    "path": "/All/topfreeapplications/16",
    "date": "2015-09-07T12:43:05.966Z"
    "path": "/All/topfreeapplications/17",
    "date": "2015-09-07T12:43:05.966Z"
    "path": "/All/topfreeapplications/18",
    "date": "2015-09-07T12:43:05.966Z"
    "path": "/All/topfreeapplications/19",
    "date": "2015-09-07T12:43:05.966Z"
    "path": "/All/topfreeapplications/2",
    "date": "2015-09-07T12:43:05.966Z"

Delete capture logs




site-token required
The token of the website.


A JSON array of paths to delete. The number of paths in the array must be less than or equal to 100.

Example request

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -H "x-api-key: AK_5a299b4021e9383cc31a3172d73ac2f1" \
     -X DELETE \
     -d '["/to_delete", "/another/path_to_delete"]' \

Retrieve a capture log




site-token required
The token of the website.
path required
The URL encoded path for which you want to retrieve the log.

Example request

curl -H "x-api-key: AK_5a299b4021e9383cc31a3172d73ac2f1" \

Site crawler state

Retrieve the state of the crawler

Returns the status of the crawler, i.e. whether it is active or not.




site-token required
The token of the website.


The object with a key named "active". The value for this key is a boolean. If true, the crawler is active.

Example request

curl -H "x-api-key: AK_5a299b4021e9383cc31a3172d73ac2f1" \

Example response


Update the state of the crawler




site-token required
The token of the website.


A JSON object containing the following keys.

active optional
The boolean indicating if the crawler must be active or no. If not set, the state of the crawler stay unchanged.
sitemaps optional
The boolean indicating if the sitemaps should be added to the pending captures.
entryPoints optional
The boolean indicating if the entryPoints should be added to the pending captures.

Example request

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -H "x-api-key: AK_5a299b4021e9383cc31a3172d73ac2f1" \
     -X POST \
     -d '{"sitemaps":true, "active":false, "entryPoints": true}' \

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